For My Queen on Her Birthday

Listen, O daughter, give attention and incline your ear: Forget your people and your father’s house; then the King will desire your beauty. Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him (Ps 45:10-11).

Psalm 45 was a song written for the king’s wedding.  Israel’s handsome, valiant and humble king was joined to a radiant woman who “is all glorious within” (v13).  In vv10-11, the the bride’s father gave her away to her new husband.  He didn’t mean for her to forget her family as if the never existed.  He meant the King-Groom was crazy about her.  Any thought of homesickness would pale in comparison to how much he desired her.  She need not fear if she’ll be taken good care of or provided for.  Her new husband desired her and what was best for her.

Hebrews 1.8-9 quoted Psalm 45.6.  The psalm finds its ultimate glory displayed ultimately in Jesus Christ and his union with his bride, the church.  Jesus is the fair King with grace-drenched lips (v2).  Jesus is the Mighty One who is splendorous and majestic (v3).  Jesus earns his victory with meekness and righteousness (v4).  Jesus is God enthroned (v6) and praised forever (v17).  He loves his Bride, who leaves the world in which she was born to live forever in the loving care of Israel’s King.

There’s no more fitting text to honor my wife, my Queen, on her birthday.  She is indeed “all glorious within” and Jesus is her King.

When Idelette died in 1549, John Calvin wrote of his wife:  “During her life she was the faithful helper of my ministry.  From her I never experienced the slightest hindrance.  She was never troublesome to me throughout the entire course of her illness; she was more anxious about her children than about herself.”  I am no Calvin, but I’m as proud to say the same of and to my wife.  I can know Jesus loves me because she loves me.

She is my Queen.  Jesus is her King.  And I am a pauper who feasts on the crumbs at the King’s wedding reception.

I love you, my Queen.  Happy Birthday.

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