Being Baptist (Part 2)

Part 1 suggested Baptist distinctives are vitally important but relatively few.  Baptists share the essential convictions of historic Christian orthodoxy.  Given a variety of confessions on a particular issue, one would be hard-pressed to sniff out the Baptist from among them. For example, take the following selections from three historic confessions of faith on the authority of Scripture: “Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not […]

Being Baptist (Part 1)

A good friend was recently exploring school options for his daughter.  He was drawn to a school which “embrace[s] and adopt[s] the essential truths of orthodox Christianity as articulated in the system of doctrine expressed in the creeds of the Protestant Reformation, including the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion and the Heidelberg Catechism.”  He then asked if this contradicted anything he believed “as a Baptist.”  The […]