Shamu, Say It Ain’t So!

My family and I traipsed through Sea World-San Antonio last week. Oh, to be a kid again! I found myself saying often, “So this is what my parents went through!” Of course, Sea World is nothing without Shamu. We built him (or her?) up to our kids for weeks. We sat down in the “splash zone” eagerly waiting for the rain of terror. I remember the first time I met […]

Petrology 101

Rancor about energy has risen as quickly as its prices. Political rhetoric has grown nauseating. Entrepreneurs capitalize on fear and confusion. Environmentalist outcries near pathological proportions. What are Christians to think or do about this supposed “global energy crisis”? I submit three broad responses. Perhaps we could assume that energy policies have nothing to do with faith in Christ. Therefore, I can worship God on Sunday but am free to […]

Carson for President!

“As for democracy, if we promote it, we do so not because we take it to be an absolute good, still less as the solution to all political problems, and not even because it is an ideal form of government, but because, granted that the world is fallen and all of us prone to the most grotesque evils, it appears to be the least objectionable option. Our eschatology teaches us […]

Kairos Article on Infertility

Kairos Journal just published a fantastic little article entitled “The Pain of Infertility.” My wife and I struggled for 10 years through infertility issues, which led us to Amy’s full hysterectomy in July, 2007. As this article aptly points out, infertility is not a simple matter of bio-technology but is a test of idolatry.

11 Years and Joyfully Counting. . .

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband (Prov 12.4a) Saturday, August 16, marks the greatest eleven years of my life. On that day eleven years ago Amy and I became one in mind, heart and body. She’s given far more than she’s gotten and served far more than she’s been served. We’re not who were were then and not who we’ll be in another eleven years; but I’m […]

Guilty as Charged

Thanks to Doctor Dictionary, I was recently brought to my knees in sackcloth and ashes. It appears I’m guilty of sesquipedalianism. Sesquipedalian is an adjective meaning “long and ponderous; having many syllables.” Although, isn’t “sesquipedalian” itself guilty of its own definition? Contradictions all we are.

Thoughts on Youth Ministry (Part 3)

These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons… (Dt 6.6-7) Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. (Eph 6.4) Youth ministry has become an industry to rival all industries. Yet, at the first opportunity more teenagers abandon the church than ever before. Teenagers know […]

Thoughts on Youth Ministry (Part 2)

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3.28). The gospel is revolutionary! By the gospel, Jesus is able to do what no other institution, leader, ideological system or government can do. He is able to unite seemingly un-unitable (had to coin a word!) people into one body, with one […]

Thoughts on Youth Ministry (Part 1)

Some question about youth ministry arises often at our church. Visiting parents ask what we have for their teenagers. Members wonder what we’re doing for the “youth.” By modern standards we have or do very little. No glitzy youth building for youth “worship.” No services designed to package God’s truth in sound bites teenagers can understand. No teen-centered atmosphere that defines our church. But, we do have a youth ministry. […]

Mandatory Speed Limits and Total Depravity

As a countermeasure to rising fuel prices, Washington contemplates a mandatory 55mph speed limit. This is akin to the same 1974 legislation designed to enforce better fuel economy and ideally lower fuel prices. Aside from the obvious political stupidity this measure says volumes about total depravity. Politically speaking, why don’t all those lobbying for the mandatory speed limit simply choose to do 55mph? Why do we need government to dictate […]